Five Stars, Five updates
Early April updates on what I've been up to
So, it has been a minute.
First, I know it has been a while since I posted anything here. I've had some questions about if anyone is getting notifications when I post something, and those questions have done a great job of demotivating me from posting.
Existential quandaries aside, however, I've also been putting a lot of my writing focus into learning how to do marketing. As I've found myself saying (repeatedly), the common thread between my background in engineering, and in writing is that I don't know how to market for either.
But for all of that, I'm learning. To whoever finds themself reading this, thanks for stopping by and thanks for your patience.
With that said, I have a few updates.
Here are some quick ones:
1) I now have not one, but TWO editorial reviews on Becoming Glitch. The longer review is from the Independent Review of Books (click for the link) and gives some minor spoilers of the first section of the story. The shorter review is from Readers' Favorite and it came with a 5-star rating, which I was pretty stoked about. It also came with an ultra-fancy sticker that I get to stick on my books if I so chose. I wonder where else I might post it...
Feel free to check out either or both of these reviews and to leave a spoiler-free comment if you agree/ disagree/ have your own thoughts on their evaluation.
2) I have made some minor changes to the book. A couple of my extra-astute readers caught a few small typos in the original draft, and I received comments from some of the marketing people I have been talking with that the back cover description was a little too vague. I have now corrected the typos I was told of and have edited the book description on Amazon (back cover updates should be finished soon).
Feel free to check out my Amazon page and let me know your thoughts on the new description.
I should also mention that, for the time being, I added the ebook to the Kindle Unlimited program, which means you can read it for free (for now) if you are part of Amazon's Kindle Unlimited subscription service.
3) I have started making a presence on Goodreads which, as far as I can tell, is sort of like an Amazon-affiliated Facebook for books, and for people who like to read them. As of my writing this, Becoming Glitch is currently on the first page of the "Super Hero Books [Not Graphic Novels]" list. This puts it in the same category (albeit much further down) as the likes of Brandon Sanderson's The Reckoners series.
Feel free to look me up on Goodreads and drop a review on Becoming Glitch if you've had the chance to read it!
4) I've made some changes to my website. The commenting widget I was messing with is a problem for another day. Instead, I added a Contact tab where you can send me book-related messages directly. Assuming my blog notification feature continues to not exist, feel free to contact me (or enter your email in the subscribe field) so that I can add you to my email newsletter.
To be continued...
There's more to say (always) but rest assured that I have other book-related things going on behind the scenes. I'm calling this post "Five Stars, Five Updates, and if you've been counting that still leaves me one short. So here's number 5:
5) I've signed no contracts and made no promises, but thanks to the feedback I've gotten, I've started compiling ideas for book two!
What's more, I have some character studies that I've been working on and am toying with posting some of them on my website. If you're interested in reading some of my Work In Progress content, and if you'd like to be notified when something new is posted, make sure to send me a message (using the Contact tab on my website) so that you don't miss out!