Becoming Glitch Paperback Launch

What's the book about and where did it come from?

12/2/20223 min read

That's right, Becoming Glitch, my first novel, is available NOW on the Amazon store in paperback format!

It's pretty surreal to be able to say that.

It's right up there with hitting the top 100 list in "Best Superhero Science Fiction" books on Amazon for a bit on November 21st, the day I originally planned on the book going live:

This is a project that I’ve been working on behind the scenes for several years now. For most of that time I’ve been unsure whether this story was going to ever see the light of day. Guided by that doubt, I’ve kept it under wraps until very recently.

What changed/ where did this come from?

I touch on this story's origins a little in the Afterword section of the book, but here's a little more background into how this book finally became reality.

I’d been working on this story for quite a while, squeezing the last few brain cells I had left at the end of the day after work. Then came Covid which, among other things, gave me a whole lot of time to reflect on what I would regret not having done. I eventually came to realize that getting this story polished enough for me to consider publishing was important to me; and also that it was going to take some serious effort.

It occurred to me that this project was something I could either invest in when I retired OR something that I could get on right now. With that in mind, in March 2021, I quit my full time engineering job, started doing part time consulting, and slowly began treating this book like something that could eventually be published.

So, what is this story about?

On its face, this book is a sci-fi/superhero story about a junior college student named Andy who unexpectedly gains superhuman abilities. He gets into some unique situations as he starts meeting other people with an array of fascinating powers, and a variety of takes on what to do with them.

There is an element of mystery as Andy tries to figure out where his abilities came from and how they work. There is humor as Andy's social skills struggle to catch up with his supernatural ones. And, of course, there is heart-pounding action as some of Andy's new acquaintances turn out to be more dangerous than he thought.

But there is more to the story than that.

Behind the action scenes, however, this is a coming-of-age story in which a young man wrestles with who he wants to be, what to aspire to, and how to deal with the fear that keeps holding him down. It is, among other things, an investigation into how someone can become a leader who cares about others.

So if you find yourself looking for an out-of-the-box action/adventure story focused on, but not exclusive to, a young adult audience, then I’d recommend this book. Whether it is for yourself or a gift for someone else, the story remains the same.

But even if you’re not the most enthusiastic about heroes in spandex, yet are interested in some honest grappling with fear, identity formation, and what it means to be selfless, then I’d ask that you maybe stick with it beyond the first few chapters and see if you’re surprised.

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